Learn Latin a different way!

4 clear options

Option 1:                                £50
32 hour-long VIDEOS only.                     

Option 2:                                £75

Videos + 
EXPERT FEEDBACK on your exercises (normally within 24 hours, or at weekends BY Monday)

Option 3:                             £100

Videos + Feedback +
128 additional "LATIN SHOTS" (5-minute clips that cut to the chase and present a grammar point in quick and easy terms)

Option 4:                             £125

32 Videos + Feedback + Latin Shots
+ FEEDBACK on your exercises for the "Latin Shots" (within 24 hours OR by the following Monday, if it's the weekend)

More detail on the 4 options!


OPTION 1. 16 weeks of Latin or EIGHT hour-long VIDEOS for each of the FOUR PRAYERS (amounts to 32 videos in total): -- work your way, in your own time and the comfort of your own home, through the grammar of each of the following prayers. If you know someone who knows Latin then they might help you with the exercises! Prayers covered: (A) Ave Maria, (B) Pater Noster (Our Father), (C) Regina Caeli (Queen of Heaven, the Easter antiphon to Our Lady), (D) Salve Regina. Total cost: at a little more than £1 per video, the cost is £50 per person for the complete suite of videos, and supplementary PDF materials.

2. The same as *1 above but with expert feedback provided (usually within a 24 hour turnaround) on any exercise answers you choose to send in. Total cost: £75 (includes £25 for personal feedback by email, from a Latinist, on over 100 exercises through the course of the 32 sessions).

3. The same as *1 above but with our innovative "Latin shots" thrown in. These are 5-minute "doses" of grammar that help you to stabilise your understanding of key aspects of our four prayers that we tackle on this course. Each "shot" comes with at least one exercise that, again, you might be able to get a Latin speaking friend to help you with. But if you would like our assistance then see *4 below. Total cost: £100

4. The same as *3 above but with feedback provided on every exercise you send in answers to, both for the main videos and for the extra "Latin shots" that come as part and parcel of this premium version of our course. Total cost: £125



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